Wednesday, June 09, 2004

We'll always have Paris ...Sea Island...

Paging Neil Sedaka! 

G8 harmony shattered, as France and US duel over Iraq

SEA ISLAND, United States (AFP) - The United States and France clashed again over Iraq, sparring over NATO's role in the occupation, one day after soothing their dispute on post-war strategy with a new UN resolution.

Diplomatic hostilities reignited at the Group of Eight summit, after Bush, emboldened by the Security Council green light for his bid to remake Iraq, went on the offensive, calling for a greater NATO presence in the country.


The clash overshadowed a display of unity put on by smiling leaders, zipping to talks at a plush east coast resort in hi-tech golf buggies.

Discord also surfaced over the issue of Iraq's mountainous debt, with European states resisting US calls to quickly forgive almost all of it.

The juicy details are here (Be sure to rate the story!)...


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