Friday, September 10, 2004

Cheers To The Unnamed
Press Corps Reporters!

From today's Press Gaggle:
Q Scott, is the President at all troubled by the distinctly negative tone the campaign seems to have taken since the convention and going forward in these last few --

MR. McCLELLAN: That's why -- I mean, you're seeing a real contrast here. The President went to New York and outlined a positive and hopeful vision for the country. He talked about where he wants to lead this country in the war on terrorism, and our efforts here at home to provide more opportunity for all Americans. And the Democrats are resorting to recycling old attacks from the past to tear down the President. I think we have great confidence in the American people to see through these kind of attacks.

Q How did the Vice President's comment fit into that description you just gave?

MR. McCLELLAN: What do you mean?

Q His comment, when he basically said that voters have a choice in the election, and if they make the wrong choice, that we could get hit by a terrorist attack.

MR. McCLELLAN: I think the Vice President actually -- I think you all have something on the wire now, talking about his interview with -- I believe it was a Cincinnati paper.

And he --

Q The President has not --

MR. McCLELLAN: -- I think he made it very clear in his remarks the other day, and he also made it clear today. He said that he wanted to make it clear that he was talking about the different strategies for fighting the war on terrorism. Having an effective strategy to win the war on terrorism is a critical issue in this race, and there are some clear differences on how you fight and win the war on terrorism. And those issues should be discussed. I think our opponent has shown a fundamental misunderstanding of how you wage the war on terrorism. And the President has a very clear strategy for waging and winning the war on terrorism. It's fought on many fronts, and it's also fought by spreading freedom, to defeat the ideologies of hatred. And that's the strategy this President is pursuing. Senator Kerry has a different strategy, and we should discuss and debate those issues and differences.

Q Are you glad that the Vice President walked that back a little bit?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, the Vice President said what he said -- said what he was talking about the other day; he was talking about the different approaches to the war on terrorism in this race. That's a very important issue before the American people, and it's a choice that should be discussed and debated, so that the American people will know exactly where everybody stands on that highest of priorities. LINK

Unnamed reporters, I salute you!


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