Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Laura, Ted, & Trent: Notable Quotes

Let's face it. Republicans have three well known qualities...


"One of the songs on my iPod that I love is
Dolly Parton singing 'Stairway to Heaven.'"
First lady Laura Bush,
explaining that she prefers a
pop-country mix in musical selections


"The pimps...the whores, the welfare brats, the crybabies, and the bloodsuckers would be completely cut off from society’s teat."
Ted Nugent,
the politically conservative
rock-and-roll star, on what would happen
if he’s elected governor of Michigan


"We’re going to cut meals to $20 a meal.
Where are they going to eat? McDonald’s?"
Sen. Trent Lott,
sneering at some
reform proposals capping the price of
lobbyist-paid lunches

Sources: AP, Washington Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, CNN

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