Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Bush Can Disappear Your Ass!
Need Proof?

There but for fortune, y'all.

There are both intended and unintended consequences associated with the various "Bush Doctrines."

This week, the unintended consequences of just a single Bush bamboozlement should send chills down our collective spines.

The Bush Doctrine? Screw The Foreigners & The Americans Stupid Enough To Leave Home:

Pretend you want a "lasting peace" in the Middle East while you ignore 25,000 Americans stuck in Lebanon for over a week (shades of Katrina) and don't even think about the locals being obliterated.

Oh, and whatever you do, don't demand a cease fire because the spirits of the people being killed in the meantime won't inspire future regional (or worse) attacks. (That was sarcasm.)

The Consequence? Screw The Least Among Us, For They Don't Deserve The Fruits Of Jesus' Promise:

American city mayors are beginning to enforce ridiculous (and unconstitutional) "Don't Feed The Homeless" statutes, and their words sound eerily familiar.

Officials, led by Mayor Oscar Goodman, say they want a long-term solution to homelessness rather than stopgap measures in a city with limited resources for those living on the streets.

"Rather than giving someone a sandwich once a day, the city supports efforts to end the cycle of homelessness and address the issues that keep these individuals on the streets," the mayor's office said in a statement Monday. It calls for the homeless to seek aid at social service agencies. More...

So... Let poor people starve until you figure out what causes homelessness?

Like I said, Bush can disappear your ass, and there will always be idiots who can use the same tactics to sell their "final solutions" to the sheeple.

This is so wrong on so many levels, damn it!

Even zoo animals get three squares a day.

Still think Bush can't disappear your ass?

Ask Katherine Harris.

Here's Katherine standing right beside George W. Bush (on the White House website's own video tape of the event).

Here's... er, NOT Katherine standing next to George W. Bush.

Where'd she go?

Bush disappeared her ass, y'all... But he left her bent knee and leg. Look closely, and you'll see it.

Truly heavy sigh.

Best bar bet in the world: Delilah didn't do it.
Judges 16:19--


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