Monday, August 06, 2007

The Hunt For Red October Bit Player's Wife's Cleavage

Leave it to The Washington Post to publish an in-depth article on this woman...

And choose this photo to accompany the story...

Hm. I guess pricey fake Republican Bimbo Boobs don't count. Just God-given Democratic ones.

And another thing: Why is The WaPo being so polite about Mrs. Minor Supporting Role Actor's criminal record and "I can't recall if I broke up with my live-in boyfriend (when I was using his last name) before or after I hooked up with Fred" explanation?

Imagine how polite The WaPo has been to Senator Clinton. Of course, you'd have to "imagine" it because they haven't been polite to her at all.

Best bar bet in the world: Delilah didn't do it.
Judges 16:19--


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