Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Something Fishy This Way Comes...

Bite me, Mr. Bradbury!

I mentioned last Friday?

Well, this little ditty slipped completely under the radar:

Second US cow tests positive for BSE news service

A second cow in the US has produced an initial positive result for BSE. US officials are saying it is “very likely” the cow will turn out to be negative. However, in most countries, the test used is wrong about a positive result only about once in a thousand times.

The US Department of Agriculture announced the result late on Friday. It was the first positive test since the US began testing thousands of cattle for BSE on 1 June. The testing is in response to the discovery of its first mad cow in December 2003.

However, the USDA is calling the result “inconclusive” until it is confirmed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) at the US’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories in Ames, Iowa.

IHC is a highly reliable but slower BSE test. In a briefing on Friday, John Clifford, deputy head of the US Department of AgricultureÂ’s Veterinary Services Programme*, said the IHC results will take four to seven days. LINK

*What's with the Brit spelling?

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Neither The NYT, The WaPo, nor The WSJ featured this story prominently.



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