Monday, August 30, 2004

Listen Up, Ya'll! We are not doomed!

If your fastidiously clean undies are in a twist because of the media's misrepresentation of that Los Angeles Times presidential poll, Ruy Teixeira can explain it all for you:
'What that 'awful' LA Times poll really means'

Date: Monday, August 30
Topic: Election 2004

By Ruy Teixeira, Donkey Rising

The Los Angeles Times poll released Thursday August 26th has created substantial consternation among democrats. Not only the mainstream media, but many pro-democratic writers and commentators have accepted the polls' apparent message that the sleazy attacks on Kerry's wartime record have been successful and have allowed Bush to overtake Kerry in the presidential race.

The bad news is that this perception has been widely accepted. The good news is that it's fundamentally wrong.

Let's start with the Kerry-Bush horse-race numbers. While the LA Times poll found Bush's support among registered voters rising from 46% in July to 49% on August 22-24th (and Kerry's support dropping from 48% to 46% in the same period), three other polls by major polling organizations found entirely different patterns.

An August 23-25th Gallup poll of registered voters found Kerry with 48% to Bush's 47%, At the beginning of August, Gallup showed Kerry and Bush tied at 48%. Read the rest...
If you believe that more people will vote for George W. this year than in 2000, I've got a great bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in buying.


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