Sunday, August 29, 2004

Today's Sermon

I'm in NYC today, protesting the squatter in President Gore's White House.


I know you're wondering what's been going on over at the Christian Powerlifting Forum...

"Name: Chris Taylor

Subject: Metal Militia Power wars


Just a quick note to all those who had prayed for me... I weighed in at 273 Got 815 squat after missing it on my second then benched 700 on my second bench, missed third. Going into deadlifts I had no idea how I was gonna end since I was pulling raw and never did that before.. Well funny thing happened,you see all day I was battling the enemy and the atmosphere around me, with all the hate music and satanic attitude I called out to Jesus and rebuked the enemy, then I proceded to pull all 3 attempts to end the day with 4 pr's and a 2200 lb total. My first every 1st place win in a full meet in the 10 yrs I have been lifting full meets and best lifter of the day.. Our God is an Awesome God .. All Honor and Glory goes to him..
Praise God !!! LINK


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