Thursday, October 14, 2004

English doesn't have enough words

I taught school for 25 years, and I fiercely defended the special ed kids and their teachers from the senseless taunts and outright insults of pig ignorant high schoolers.

Now I'm having trouble describing George W.'s "retardation" (in the generic sense that he is so far behind in his ability either to learn or to keep up with America's ever-increasing grasp of political discourse and world affairs).

He's not stupid. I believe he is capable of learning. In fact, last night I noticed the same look on his face that so many of my students had when they learned something that they thought was useful. Unfortunately, George W. is the leader of the free world, and he was learning useful things from his political opponent.

As far as I know, English doesn't have a word to describe George W.

I think he's "willfully retarded." I think he chooses to be ignorant and forever stuck in Leave It To Beaver Land. That's where and when white men ruled the world, women and children knew their places, and there was a right or wrong answer for every possible question.

How do I communicate that assessment without insulting millions of Americans who work 10 times harder than George W. does to be good, productive citizens?

By the way, I think the text on this poster insults George W.'s supporters.

Not George W.

Using the image on this poster to communicate "willful retardation" doesn't work.

I would that there were such a word. Or an image.


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