Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Yes, George W.,
there really is
a global test!

My friend Bryan explains the global test in language even George W. Thirdgrader can understand:

The question isn't whether or not President Bush or President Kerry should have the power to protect the United States; they should. The question is how should that power and authority be used. Consider the following parable.

Johnny and Jimmy sat on the porch admiring Johnny's new gun. Jimmy said excitedly "That sure is a neat gun, Jimmy."

Johnny smiled and said, "Yep, and thank goodness we live in a country where I'm allowed to have a gun."

Jimmy agreed. "Yep, the right to have a gun is something we totally agree on!"

Then Johnny took his gun and, standing on his porch, shot out the Widow McIckleson's windows. Jimmy looked horrified. "You shouldn't do that Johnny."

Johnny looked indignent "What are you talking about? I have a right to have a gun, which means I have a right to shoot it."

Jimmy said, "Well, yeah, sure you have the right to defend yourself with your gun, but that don't mean you can shoot it any time you like, Johnny. The whole town's gonna be mighty pissed at you for shooting out the Widow McIckleson's windows."

Johnny grumbled a moment and said, "You can't impose some sort of . . . town test on my right to shoot my gun. That's the same as saying I can't have a gun at all."

Jimmy replied, "Well you can have your gun, but you can't use it like that without getting everybody mad at you; better to save your gun for times when you need to actually protect yourself. And shooting squirrels." LINK (Scroll Down)

It's a shame George W.'s parents never cared enough about him to teach him this lesson.


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