Tuesday, December 14, 2004

A New Concept For Fundies:
It's Called Art.

No Problem for fundies:

George W. Nowwatchthisdrive picks a
Heimatland Homeland Security Chief who

A. is Mob Connected
B. deserted his mistress and his child in Korea
C. juggled (and had to borrow money to support) two extremely expensive mistresses while married to wife #3
D. kept marriage #1 a secret (until now) and possibly married wife #2 before divorce #1 was final
E. disciplined and demoted a prison guard who dared reprimand one of Kerik's mistresses (a married prison guard)
F. Faces an outstanding arrest warrant (among other legal and professional misconduct and nanny problems)

G. All Of The Above

Today's Pressing Problem for fundies:

This image from the Olympic Games In Greece might have been broadcast on TV:

The Federal Communications Commission has asked for a tape of NBC's broadcast of the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics after it received at least one indecency complaint. The Aug. 13 tape-delayed broadcast, featuring the history of Athens and Greece, also included male performers representing ancient Greek Kouroi, life-size stone figures of naked young men dating to the sixth century B.C. It wasn't clear whether the images were broadcast. (Wolfgang Rattay/Reuters) LINK

Another New Concept For Fundies:

It's Called


Where was the outrage when this picture was published?

Oh, I forgot.

That Picture Wasn't Art.


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