Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Sgt. Dr. Evil Busholini's
Captive Hearts Club Band

US Presidents don't wear uniforms while in office. Even if they served honorably prior to their legitimate elections.

They just don't.

Too many evil dictators have historically worn uniforms while in office. The USA wouldn't dare risk conjuring such a comparison.

Wait! There's more!

Let me introduce you to

the act you've known
for all these years...

Sgt. Dr. Evil Busholini's Captive Hearts Club Band!


For some reason...

Some pig ignorant, unschooled idiot decided Il Douche should look like this?


Dr. Evil

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

My prediction:

The White House will claim that George W.'s new quasi-military jacket was a gift from the troops.

Heavy sigh.


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