Carl Bernstein Speaks Out
On Woodwardgate
This has got to hurt, Woodward!
"This investigation has cast a constant searchlight that the White House can’t turn off the way it has succeeded in turning off the press. So their methodology and their dishonesty and their disingenuousness -- particularly about how we went to war -- as well as their willingness to attack and rough up people who don’t agree with them are now there for all to see. They can’t turn off this searchlight, which is shining on a White House that runs a media apparatus so sophisticated in discrediting its critics it makes the Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Ziegler press shop look like a small-time operation.” And these are the very thugs that Woodward was protecting while attacking the guy operating the searchlight."
Personally, I'll enjoy seeing those little daggers next to Woodward's future book sales reports, indicating that some wingnut group (like The Heritage Foundation) has purchased the books in bulk (at a ridiculously low price) to pass out like party favors.
Bob Woodward IS NOT Robert Redford. The first time I saw Woodward interviewed on TV (back when Gawd was boy), I though he was retarded.
Then I began to piece together the clues from "All The President's Men." Woodward had already been fired from the Washington Post once and had spent time on a Montgomery paper before being rehired by the WaPo. Well, Woodward was about to be fired again as the Watergate story broke.
Bob Woodward: Who's Charles Colson?
Harry Rosenfeld: Sit down. You know I'm glad you asked me that question. The reason I'm glad you asked me is because if you had asked Simons or Bradlee they woulda said, "You know we're gonna have to fire this schmuck at once because he's so *dumb*."
But for Carl Bernstein, Woodward never would've lasted long enough at the WaPo to win that Pulitzer.
Woodward's only talent was in cultivating sources (beginning with his stint in Naval Intelligence). Probably because he was in the right place at the right time. And probably because he could keep his mouth shut (trans. Not intelligent enough to be a smart ass).
Sorry, Bob. "Being There" isn't good enough when you let yourself get played by BushCo while you're gathering info for a damned book.
And Carl Bernstein isn't around to bail you out this time, Buddy.
Deep Throat: Follow the money.
Bob Woodward: What do you mean? Where?
Heavy sigh.
All The president's Men, page 15: "Bernstein knew that Woodward couldn't write very well. One rumor had it that English was not Woodward's native language."
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