Today's Sermon on the Blog:
The "God Warrior" Mother
Last Wednesday, on that FOX Trading Spouses TV show, one of the mothers was a caring, understanding Unitarian Universalist. The other was a "God Warrior."
Naturally, an intelligently-designed-by-man bobblehead doll of the God Warrior showed up on EBay...
This talking bobblehead of the Crazy God Warrior say the following quotes:
- I don't want someone with tainted... anything in beliefs, doing anything with my family!
- Darksided!
- Their entire house is darksided too!
- Everything's un-Godly!
- Gargoyles!... Psychics!
- Get the hell out of my house- in Jesus' name I pray!
- I give it up to God I'm a GOD WARRIOR!
- She's not a CHRISTIAN!
- She was tampering in darksided stuff!
- This is tainted- I don't want it. Whatever it is, it's tainted!
- I want nothing. I want my God and I want my family!
- I want NO Money!
What an adorable piece for the baby's room! Having this keepsake in your home will ward off evil spirits. You'll just want to smile everytime you look at it!
So lifelike you'll be plagued with nightmares for the rest of your days!
Don't believe me? Watch the video!
Thus Endeth Today's Sermon on the Blog.
I mean it, damn it!
Call your mother today and just say, "Thanks, Mom!"
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