Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Bush Fails Kindergarten Assessment Test

From a typical Kindergarten Assessment checklist:

Fine Motor Skills

Does the student hold and use scissors and a pencil correctly?
Can the student copy the 26 letters of the alphabet?
Can the student write the numerals 0 to 10?
Can the student write his or her first and last name?
Can the student copy various symbols?

Of those pictured above, only Hamid K. passes the scissors test.

Suggestion for improvement: The parents of Mr. and Mrs. Bush, Ms. Rice, and the US Ambassador to Afghanistan should provide home-based instruction in proper scissors usage and mastery.

So you think you know Delilah?
Judges 16:19--


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe that's how Bush got the idea of No child left behind. Maybe he was left behind?

10:39 AM  

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