Saturday, March 11, 2006

Hey Republicans! Keep Praising Stupid Republican Bigots When They're Forced To Apologize!

I mean it damn it!

Like Scarlett O'Hara, Republican bigots aren't sorry they made bigoted remarks or forwarded bigoted emails to their bigoted friends...

They're just sorry they got caught.

Meet Today's Republican Bigot Begging For Forgiveness:

State Rep.
Jim Welker
(R- KKKlanville)

A Loveland Republican took to the floor of the Colorado House of Representatives on Friday to apologize for having forwarded an e-mail about black victims of Hurricane Katrina that he now understands was "offensive," "inappropriate" and "degrading."

Rep. Jim Welker said he sent the e-mail - subject: "Moral poverty costs blacks in New Orleans" - without looking at it closely enough. Having read it again after people complained, he realized he never should have forwarded it, he said.

Now he realizes he never should have forwarded the email?

Oh, right. Sure.
Despite being one of the quietest and most unassuming members of the House, Welker is no stranger to controversial statements.

Last year, he was attacked for asking at a news conference if gay marriage might lead to interspecies marriage. He also has been assailed for questioning the health risks of homosexuality.

Duh. What an asswipe.

And now we're supposed to believe that he is sincerely sorry for having offended the poorest, neediest Hurricane Katrina victims?
"I offer my sincere apologies to this body and to the public (and) to the people of Loveland. I hope I become a better person for having made a big mistake."

Hm. Note that Welker didn't apologize to the Katrina victims... just his local voters.

Bring on the phony en masse Republican defense:
"He was just walking along and looking at the sky and kicked over a beehive, without recognizing he had done it, simply for lack of adequate attention," said Rep. Al White, R- Winter Park.

Republican Rep. Kevin Lundberg of Berthoud, who calls Welker a personal friend, credited him for apologizing.

"I remain convinced he has about the highest integrity of anybody around here," Lundberg said.

But that wasn't the only hateful email Welker forwarded...
Two hours before Welker sent the "blacks in New Orleans" e-mail, he sent another one, with "The Origins of Political Correctness" in the subject line.

That e-mail offered a link to an essay that describes how, "for the first time in our history, Americans have to be fearful of what they say, of what they write, and of what they think. They have to be afraid of using the wrong word, a word denounced as offensive or insensitive, or racist, sexist, or homophobic."

Read the whole Denver Post article. There's even a section on Welker's bogus "I heard on the radio that a woman married a dolphin" attack on gay marriage.

So I repeat my headline:

Keep Praising Stupid Republican Bigots When They're Forced To Apologize... It makes keeping a scorecard much, much easier.

So you think you know Delilah?
Judges 16:19--


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he's stupid enough to forward an email with out reading it, how many bills has he voted on without reading them? Notice how none of his defenders bothered to point out that Welker wasn't racist, but he is a Republican, so that must be a given. (Is that a politically incorrect generalization?)

5:16 PM  

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