Friday, October 13, 2006

Next, They Came For The Gays..

There's a big, big... HUGE... difference between being gay and/or heterosexual and being a pedophilie or an ehebephile. So it pains me to see the fascist fundies call for a purge (shades of Dachau) of all Republican gays in congress. Max Blumenthal writes in The Nation:

The Rev. Don Wildmon of the American Family Association, told me he has received that memo, which he referred to simply as "The List." Based on The List's contents, Wildmon is convinced that a secretive gay "clique" boring within the Republican-controlled Congress is responsible for covering up Foley's sexual predation toward teenage male House pages. Moreover, Wildmon calls on the Republican Party leadership to promptly purge the "subversive" gay staffers. More...

Fine. Be a Nazi, Wildmon... you Kool-Aid dispensing 'Hate Thy Neighbor" pseudo-Christian. But you'd better be prepared to give up...

Your hair stylist

Your make up artist

Your wardrobe guru

Your interior decorator

Your landscape designer

Your caterer

Your plumber

All Hollywood movies

Most TV shows

Your accountant

Your US Mail carrier

... And the list goes on and on and on.

Because you just never know who among you might be gay. Hell, even your sister might be one of those people you now want to purge. Ask Dick Cheney if he wants to join your cause, thereby calling for the ousting of his daughter from her government job.

Tuesday was National Coming Out Day. more and more people are refusing to live in fear of you and your kind, Wildmon. And don't scream that you're being persecuted for your religious beliefs when they stand up to you, either. You control just about everything in this country. So stop the damned whining.

It's as lame as your latest "purge" battle cry. Don't you have anything more important to do with your time? Like gearing up for this year's war on Christmas?

In the words of Dolly Parton, "Get down off the cross. Somebody needs the wood." Better yet, let's ask famous hebephile Jerry Lee Lewis what he sees in your future, Wildmon...

"Goodness gracious! Great balls of fire!"

Best bar bet in the world: Delilah didn't do it.
Judges 16:19--