Tuesday, August 07, 2007

GOP Prez Baggage Handlers- 0; Bloggers- 2

#1- Fred Thompson's trophy wife IS NOT a lawyer.
Several major news organizations -- including USA Today, the Associated Press, Chicago Tribune, and The Post -- have in recent months referred to Jeri Thompson as both a political consultant and lawyer in articles about Fred Thompson's nascent presidential campaign, in which his wife has taken a leading role.

And supporters of the Thompsons have repeatedly invoked Jeri Thompson's status as an attorney to challenge insinuations that the 40-year-old mother of two is a mere "trophy wife" for the 64-year-old actor and former Tennessee senator. On Fox News last week, host Chris Wallace quoted a letter from a viewer attacking NPR's Juan Williams for having previously used the 'tw' phrase in reference to Thompson: "You chauvinist pig. Jeri Thompson is an intelligent, accomplished woman. She is a lawyer. And she has worked in the public policy arena." Added conservative blogger Ed Morrissey last month: "Anyone with access to Google knows that Mrs. Thompson worked as an attorney and media consultant in DC."

Well, presumptuous as it may be to challenge the holy writ that is Google, the hard fact is that Jeri Thompson is not a lawyer. There is no trace in public records of Thompson holding a license to practice law in D.C. or any of the states in which she has resided. And today, campaign spokeswoman Linda Rozett said conclusively, "Jeri Thompson does not have a law degree."

#2- Meanwhile, even as the Giuliani camp attempts to run damage control following Caroline’s impetuously dropping the I-bomb (her support for Obama) comes news that the Facebook profile of Andrew Giuliani is potentially more damaging given that he is both the founder and sole member of the group called...

“My Dad Rudy Giuliani Married
A Gold-Digging Whore.”

Republican kids start the darndest Facebook groups, don't they?

The next thing you know, Mrs. Cindy McCain will be outed as a prescription drug addict and drug thief. Oops. That's already happened.

Family values?

What a crock!

Best bar bet in the world: Delilah didn't do it.
Judges 16:19--


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