Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Deanholes And Greenholes
And Bushbots, Oh My!

OK, I don't really have a problem with calling someone a Bushbot. Here's why...

I learned a very valuable lesson about party politics while working for a Democratic candidate who had once been a powerful Republican Party Chair. The difference between Republicans and Democrats, he explained, is simple:

Republicans fight like cats and dogs during the primary season, each pledging undying loyalty to and fighting non-stop for his/her primary candidate; after the primary season, when one candidate prevails, the entire party bands together to ensure a party victory. (This explains the weird party loyalty to George W.: individual administrations come and go, but a party victory guarantees power.)

Hm. Calling Republicans Bushbots seems apropos when you understand how they operate.

On the other hand...

Democrats fight like cats and dogs during the primary season, each pledging undying loyalty to and fighting non-stop for his/her primary candidate; after the primary season, when one candidate prevails, Democrats continue to fight like cats and dogs... which forces the Dem candidate to wage multiple simultaneous campaigns... one for the hearts, minds and votes of bitter primary challengers' supporters, as well as Green Party voters, and another campaign against a well-organized and extremely well-funded Republican campaign machine.

Hence, the name calling...

Greenholes: personally, I have nothing against the Green Party; in fact, I would love to see a Dem/Green Coalition Party during my lifetime. Calling them Greenholes, however, is not going to help.

Deanholes: Howard Dean has repeatedly implored his primary supporters to back Senator John Kerry; however, many Dean supporters believe that they will lose the power Howard gave them during the primary season (You've Got The Power!) if they now pledge their support to Senator Kerry. Again, calling them Deanholes is not going to help.

Sticks and stones can and often do break bones, and words can and often do hurt us! Frustrated Kerry campaign staffers and supporters, as well as Greens and bitter Dean primary voters, could form an awesome coalition which could force Republicans back under the rocks from whence they and their slimy policies once sprang, but that would require acting like Republicans and actually focusing on winning.

If we don't win, we can't even begin to clean up the mess these Bushbots have created, and we know that they will make the mess much, much worse in a second term.

Will Greens allow 4 more years of environmental rape in order to make a statement?

Will Dean supporters let Howard down by not helping him Power the Democratic Party?

Name calling among ourselves is definitely not a winning strategy in our campaign to defeat George W. And His Goose-Stepping Band Of Bushbots ... but a circular firing squad on the left would definitely be a Bushbot's best friend this year!


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