Tuesday, August 10, 2004

George W. Liar
Or George W. Idiot:
Either One Is Dangerous

While campaigning in Virginia yesterday, George W. demonstrated his bizarre brand of compassion for those who have suffered due to his disastrous economic policies, as well as his acceptance sans question of wealthy American tax cheats:
Bush criticized Kerry's plan to eliminate the tax cuts for those making more than $200,000 a year, saying that the "the rich in America happen to be the small business owners" who put people to work.

Bush also said high taxes on the rich are a failed strategy because "the really rich people figure out how to dodge taxes anyway." LINK
To George W., Ken Lay is a small business owner?
To George W., there's no use trying to collect taxes from the rich?

Are Republicans who sign oaths of loyalty in order to attend George W.'s campaign rallies really stupid enough to buy his brand of Barnum?

This Way To The Egress, George W.!


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