Sunday, August 08, 2004

Good Christian Women®
Love George W.!

Meet Temille Hoffert...

Temille loves George W. and Jesus, even though Temille's parents gave her a non-biblical name, which is, as we all know, an abomination in the sight of God.

Never mind. Temille loves George W. Jesus! And she's sure St. Peter will honor her reservation in heaven!

You can tell by her Oh, So Modest, Jesus-Approved Clothing and Hairstyle!

And note the verb in the caption: argues

Surely Jesus sees that Temille's hate-spewing expression is matched by the young Kerry supporter's!

Frankly, this AP photo of Temille reminds me of what Mia Farrow must have seen in the crib when she asked Sydney Blackmer and Ruth Gordon:

What have you done to its eyes?

Temille Hoffert, left, a supporter of President Bush's,
argues with a supporter of Democrat John Kerry
in Davenport, Iowa. LINK

Ever wonder where the Temilles of this world find those Oh, So Modest, Jesus-Approved dresses? LINK

Temille must have missed this quiz during Christian Charm School LINK:

A bulky, flabby figure A trim, disciplined body
Sluggishness Vitality
An unkempt appearance Careful grooming
Mannish attire Dainty, pretty clothing
Older, daring styles Youthful, girlish styles
Revealing clothes Modesty in dress
Over-display in dress Quiet, conservative dress
Gawdy makeup "Natural" makeup
Mannishy, short hairdos Soft, clean hair
A dead-pan face A ready smile
Tobacco odors A delicate fragrance
Stained fingers Clean, lovely hands
Smoking cigarettes Abstaining from tobacco
Drinking liquor Abstaining from liquor
Telling off-color jokes Clean speech
Reading smutty books Purity of thought life
An ungainly walk A lovely, graceful walk
Sprawling in chairs Sitting prettily
A slouching posture A queen-like posture
A "loud" mouth Soft, gentle speech
Raspy, gravelly voice Pleasant vocal tones
Slangy expressions A refined vocabulary
Malicious gossip A kind tongue
Swearing and profanity A reverent attitude
A quarrelsome spirit A peace-loving disposition
Explosive behavior Self-control
Domineering attitudes Thoughtfulness of others
Boisterous rowdiness Ladylike reserve
False sophistication Sincerity and naturalness
Holding grudges Forgiving and forgetting
Over-display of self Dignity and self-respect
Dishonorable actions Unblemished integrity
Becoming "cheap" Honor and virtue
Pessimism Optimism
Conceit and vanity Modest self-confidence
Unchastity Sexual purity


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