Monday, September 13, 2004

Happiness Is A Warm Micro-Uzi!

Yes, it is!*

Isn't it absolutely adorable?


Notes: This is basically an Uzi submachinegun reduced to as small a size as possible. The operation is the same as the larger weapons, but many of the parts are of tungsten alloy to make them heavier and stronger than they otherwise would be. (This also keeps what would otherwise be a very light bolt from producing a runaway rate of fire.) The stock folds sideways so that the butt can act as a foregrip when it is folded. LINK

More Armed Democrats?

Does that frighten you, freepers?

Actually, I grew up in a house full of guns. Had it ever occurred to me to ask, I could have had any gun I wanted.
And I wouldn't have had to wait for a birthday or Christmas to open the box!

Now that the Assault Weapons Ban has expired... and there will be lots more personal-size copkiller cannons on the streets, I decided to go shopping on the internet for something








and completely legal.

5 seconds later, I had found the perfect submachine gun for all of my personal sporting needs!

If 10,000 of us Micro-Uzi tottin' Democrats (that's 200 per state) joined the NRA, kept our mouths shut, and showed up at their annual meeting to vote, we could probably take over and enact some real change in the organization.

Hey, Freepers!

Your worst nightmare just might come true...

Legally armed and dangerous defenders of the rest of those pesky amendments and the entire contents of the US Consititution.

Surely, this is what Those liberal Founding Fathers had in mind when they left that 2nd amendment open ended.


* When was the last time you even thought about The White Album's lyrics?


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