Friday, April 08, 2005

This Week's
Of The
Bell Curve


Desperate Housewives

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I know that many women have always been attracted to dangerous men.

Sheila Isenberg, author of the book "Women who Love Men who Kill," says that many of these women are drawn to the excitement of becoming involved with dangerous men. "Worrying about whether your mate is going to live or die is much more dramatic than wondering what to have for dinner." LINK

I even know there's No shortage of women who dream of snaring a husband on Death Row...

But damn!

Why would anyone line up for a chance to become the second Mrs. Russell Yates?

Russell Yates says he's ready for new family

Ex-wife jailed for drowning their five children

The Associated Press
Updated: 9:42 a.m. ET April 7, 2005

DALLAS - The ex-husband of a woman sentenced to life in prison for drowning their five children said he is ready to move on with his life and might like to start another family.

Russell Yates told The Dallas Morning News in Thursday’s editions that he still cares for ex-wife Andrea Yates. But he finalized his divorce last month, three years after she was sentenced.

“We still care about each other... (but) I couldn’t live that way,” said Yates, 40.

Andrea Yates, 40, claimed she was insane at the time she drowned the couple’s children. She was sentenced to life in prison for three of the deaths, but the convictions were overturned in January by an appeals court panel. Prosecutors have asked the full court to reconsider.

Russell Yates said he’s dating, though he declined to give details. He said he might eventually remarry and have more children.

“I have the freedom now,” he said. “I’d like to do that someday and possibly have a family again... But I’m not 20. I’m 40. So I have to reassess where I’m at, what I have to offer.” LINK

What he has to offer?

Well, for starters...

No child support responsibilities.

As for Russell's other (cough) qualities (cough) as a future husband...

Before marrying Russell Yates, Andrea Kennedy was a successful young woman working as a post-operative nurse. She enjoyed regular swimming and jogging and was apparently from a Catholic family. Their courtship included praying and reading the Bible together--so far so good.

But somewhere in that Bible study, or in the conservative Christian culture that surrounded them, they got the idea that when they married, they would not use birth control. They would lovingly accept as many children as God sent them. This ideal is still being taught by the Roman Catholic Church and by many small independent fundamentalist and Pentecostal churches. The use of contraceptives is considered a sin. There are no allowances for difficult circumstances such as postpartum depression, bipolar disorder, poverty, or rape.--snip--

In addition to telling Andrea she could not limit the size of her family, the church told her she belonged at home with her children. She stopped working after the birth of her first child; she also gave up swimming and jogging and lost touch with some friends. When her older sons were old enough to attend school, she did not give herself a break and just deal with the younger ones at home. Instead she began home-schooling. Many conservative churches press women to do this because they view public school as lacking in Christian values.--snip--

The next link in the chain that dragged Andrea down was the belief that a woman should submit to her husband as decision-maker. Michael Woroniecki,1 a traveling evangelist whose preaching and writings greatly influenced the couple, teaches that God created man to dominate and woman to be his "helpmeet." As Time reports, "Rusty was head of the household."--snip--

When Russell wanted to move out of their four-bedroom house into a trailer, and then into a bus-turned-motorhome, Andrea sold the furniture and went along with all this. By June 1999, she was caring for four children in the bus (only 350 square feet) after the whole family had driven in the bus from Houston to the Grand Canyon and back. No wonder she tried to commit suicide -- the conditions of her life were unbearable, and to challenge them would have been to oppose God's will.--snip--

By this time, another sign of Russell's control was that he allowed only one friend to visit Andrea. She was a prisoner in her own home, without even the resources of friends at church because, according to the Time article, "Rusty had not found a church he liked." LINK

Hey, Desperate Housewives Wannabees!

Medea called.

She's had a change of heart.

Today, she would go after Jason's/John Wayne's/Rusty's private parts with a dull spoon.

Then, unlike Lorena Bobbitt and her botched bobbing escapade, Medea would head straight for the kitchen this time...


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