Saturday, May 07, 2005

Parenting 101: Pay Attention, You Pig Ignorant Parental Units!


Damn! Damn! Damn, I say!

Damn it all, damn it!

A few simple questions, like...

What are you kids dong in the (basement/garage/kitchen)?

What are you kids researching on the computer?

What's in the jar, Kids?

... might have prevented this "little' incident:

Homemade Napalm Found at School

May 6, 2005, 10:35 AM

Home-made napalm is found at Parkview Jr. High in Lawrenceville, Illinois.

Police say two eighth graders brought the napalm to school in a jar after learning how to make the flammable substance from a website on the Internet.

School officials don't believe the students intended to harm anyone. Superintendent Michael Sutton says,"During the investigation as they were questioned over and over again there was never any intent to harm any person... Student or staff."

Seventh grader Anthony Cummings says, "I was pretty scared. Something could have happened.. It could have fallen out of their lockers, they could have lit it on fire. The school could have burned down for all we know."

Police are continuing their investigation. The eighth graders who made the napalm were not in school Thursday. School officials say they'll wait on any formal disciplinary action until that investigation is complete. LINK

Jumpin' Jehosephat!

I never thought I would support handcuffing kids and frogmarching them out of a school building, but DAMN!

And what's this crap?

School officials say they'll wait on any formal disciplinary action until that investigation is complete.

I'll never forget the morning when my carpool comrade, Mr. Science Teacher/Sportsball Coach confessed that he was worried about a pound of mercury missing from his classroom.

I almost drove off the road.

Luckily, the kids who took the mercury left it on the football field as a joke. Even luckier, those kids didn't have any paper cuts or other abrasions when handling the mercury.

Stupidity is no excuse for stealing mercury or COOKING UP A BATCH OF DAMNED NAPALM.

It's also no excuse for bad pig ignorant parenting!



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