Sunday, March 12, 2006

Snarky Sermon on the Blog

The day after Christmas, when traditional families normally spend Boxing Day boxing up the old (for donation to the less fortunate) to make way for the new, many generous American catholics saw their church donation dollars used for anti-choice ads in public transit trains and stations.

The ads have, of course, been ripped down and vandalized, prompting the advertising agency hired by the Conference of Catholic Bishops (their creators) to ask for more ad space time.

This is the same Conference of Catholic Bishops who've brought you child rape for centuries.

At some point Christians are going to have to decide which testament they believe in: the pre-Jesus one or the post-Jesus one. By their very name, the choice should be obvious. And Jesus never mentions either a woman's right to choose or the existence of the precautionary arts during his lifetime. He was more concerned with the individual's own beliefs, his/her own good works and his/her own salvation... and not those of one's neighbors, wasn't he?

Those who claim that Jesus was anti-choice also think that Delilah cut off Samson's hair.

So you think you know Delilah?
Judges 16:19--


Blogger Granny said...

It's also the same church which gave up trying to find homes for kids (Boston) rather than place them in GLBT homes.

10:29 AM  

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