Friday, November 03, 2006

Julius, Ethel & George W.

Remember when George W. joked about looking under his Oval Office desk for Saddam Hussein's alleged WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION?

Hardy Har har har, y'all. As we say in Texas (fully cognizant of how adjectives and adverbs are used correctly): "Real funny." (By the way, freeper lurkers... That was sarcasm.)

Well, that same George W. who joked about WMDs personally approved what he thought was a scathingly brilliant suggestion by (See? We really do understand adverbs in Texas) US Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R- Pig Ignorance, IL) and Sen. Pat Roberts (R- KKKansas) to post "a basic guide to building an atom bomb" on the US Government's official website. And just for good measure, Hoekstra, Roberts & Bush threw in formulæ for Sarin and Tabun (nerve agents).
On March 16, after the documents’ release was approved, Mr. Negroponte’s office issued a terse public announcement including a disclaimer that remained on the Web site: “The U.S. government has made no determination regarding the authenticity of the documents, validity or factual accuracy of the information contained therein, or the quality of any translations, when available.”

On April 18, about a month after the first documents were made public, Mr. Hoekstra issued a news release acknowledging “minimal risks,” but saying the site “will enable us to better understand information such as Saddam’s links to terrorism, weapons of mass destruction and violence against the Iraqi people.” He added: “It will allow us to leverage the Internet to enable a mass examination as opposed to limiting it to a few exclusive elites.”

Yesterday, before the site was shut down, Jamal Ware, a spokesman for Mr. Hoekstra, said the government had “developed a sound process to review the documents to ensure sensitive or dangerous information is not posted.” Later, he said the complaints about the site “didn’t sound like a big deal,” adding, “We were a little surprised when they pulled the plug.”

The precise review process that led to the posting of the nuclear and chemical-weapons documents is unclear. But in testimony before Congress last spring, a senior official from Mr. Negroponte’s office, Daniel Butler, described a “triage” system used to sort out material that should remain classified. Even so, he said, the policy was to “be biased towards release if at all possible.” Government officials say all the documents in Arabic have received at least a quick review by Arabic linguists.

Some of the first posted documents dealt with Iraq’s program to make germ weapons, followed by a wave of papers on chemical arms.

At the United Nations in New York, the chemical papers raised alarms at the Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission, which had been in charge of searching Iraq for all unconventional arms, save the nuclear ones.

In April, diplomats said, the commission’s acting chief weapons inspector, Demetrius Perricos, lodged an objection with the United States mission to the United Nations over the document that dealt with the nerve agents tabun and sarin.

Soon, the document vanished from the Web site. On June 8, diplomats said, Mr. Perricos told the Security Council of how risky arms information had shown up on a public Web site and how his agency appreciated the American cooperation in resolving the matter.

In September, the Web site began posting the nuclear documents, and some soon raised concerns. On Sept. 12, it posted a document it called “Progress of Iraqi nuclear program circa 1995.” That description is potentially misleading since the research occurred years earlier.

The site was taken down yesterday. November 2. If that doesn't just scream "We fucked up Dick Cheney Big Time," I don't know what would.

And don't even get me started on BushCo's well known disdain for translators.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, y'all!

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg weren't even executed for actually passing secrets. They were fried because they were successfully prosecuted for "conspiracy to commit," y'all).

As for Bush, Hoekstra & Roberts...

Idiots. The lot of them.

Mean. Stupid. Dangerous to the max.

And a damned sight more interested in banging their own political drums than protecting our country.

History will correctly point to George W. Bush as the US president who gave Nuclear secrets to the world. (North Korea and Iran have probably sent thank you notes.)

If that's not an impeachable offense, what the fuck is?

Best bar bet in the world: Delilah didn't do it.
Judges 16:19--


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