Thursday, July 08, 2004

Bush doesn't hate trial lawyers.
Bush hates juries.

"Trial Lawyer" will become a major Republican attack meme in this presidential election unless the truth behind the attack is exposed:

Bush doesn't hate trial lawyers.

He hires them constantly, uses them to stall American justice, and runs to court at the drop of a hat!

Bush hates juries.

That's you and me, folks.

In "The Verdict," a trial lawyer fights for justice on behalf of a woman who has been left brain dead by a drunk physician who didn't bother to read the admittance chart before ordering anesthesia.

My favorite line comes during trial lawyer Galvin's summation to the jury:


All looking slightly to their right.


Mr. Galvin...?


In front of the full jury box. Beat.

You know, so much of the time we're
lost. We say, 'Please, God, tell
us what is right. Tell us what's
true. There is no justice. The
rich win, the poor are powerless...'
We become tired of hearing people
lie. After a time we become dead.
A little dead. We start thinking
of ourselves as victims. (pause)
And we become victims. (pause)
And we become weak...and doubt
ourselves, and doubt our
institutions...and doubt our
beliefs...we say for example, `The
law is a sham...there is no law...I
was a fool for having believed
there was.' (beat) But today you
are the law. You are the law...And
not some book and not the lawyers,
or the marble statues and the
trappings of the court...all that
they are is symbols.
(beat) Of
our desire to be just... (beat)
All that they are, in effect, is a
prayer...(beat) ... a fervent, and
a frightened prayer. In my religion
we say, `Act as if you had faith,
and faith will be given to you.'
(beat) If. If we would have faith
in justice, we must only believe
in ourselves. (beat) And act
with justice. (beat) And I believe
that there is justice in our
hearts. (beat) Thank you.

He stands still a moment, then surveys the still courtroom.*

We are the law!

Let's act like it.

*The Verdict
by David Mamet


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