Tuesday, October 19, 2004

BushCo Family Feud

Is Karl Rove channeling Poor Little Nell or those women who throw themselves on their husbands' funeral pyres?

Either way, there's obviously no joy in Mudville (aka The Bush campaign).

Nothing else could possibly explain this:

Bush Adviser Lays Under Air Force One

Strange News - AP

McGUIRE AIR FORCE BASE, N.J. - Karl Rove laid himself on the line Monday for his boss, the president of the United States.

That is, he laid himself under the wheels of Air Force One. Reason: Unclear, but it seems to have been an inside joke between Rove and President Bush.

Returning to the aircraft after Bush's foreign policy speech, the two men traded words. As Bush climbed the stairs, his top political adviser set his briefcase down in front of the tires and stretched out on the ground with his back to the wheels. LINK

Inside joke?

The two men traded words after Bush's foreign policy speech.

The headline writer obviously chose a grammatically incorrect verb, hoping to avoid publishing the words Bush adviser lies or the possibly suggestive Bush advisor lays himself.

Since we all know now that Karl Rove was escorted by US marshals to and from his Who outed Valerie (CIA Agent) Plame? grand jury appearance
(LINK), perhaps there's more to this Go ahead and run over me with your big bad plane! routine than the AP reporter suggests.


Pity Party For One, please.

The AP filed this story under its Strange News banner.

If you've kept up with my recurring Separated At Birth? rubric, you can probably predict my reaction to that AP photo of Karl Rove...

Jabba The Rove

Karl Rove is often touted as the evil genius behind George W. Idiot.

Karl Rove lost the 2000 election by over a million votes.

But for BushCo cheating the American voters and the antics of the George W. Supreme Court, Karl Rove would be sitting in a windowless back office in the creepy Heritage Foundation building on Massachusetts Av in DC.

How can anyone dismiss this obvious Rove-As-Martyr allusion as an inside joke?


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