Thursday, May 12, 2005

Chan Chandler's Lament

Gawd! I love hating this guy! Chan "The Man" Chandler is like those Billboard hits that just keep on coming!

First, he instigated kicking out 9 church members who voted for John Kerry, which caused 40 other church members to leave the church.

Then, he claimed he was misunderstood.

Next, faced with possible legal action and an IRS investigation, he resigned.

You'd think at this point he'd shut up.

Not hardly. Now he's accusing the eeeeevilllll Democrats, who spoiled his dream of shaping his church into a fascist fundie Fun House, of doctoring his videotaped sermons to look like he was endorsing George W. in the last election.

In an exclusive interview with The Baptist Press, Chandler tried to worm his way out of his predicament...

Chandler says to his recollection he has not mentioned politics in any sermon since last fall. "The church has the tapes," he said, adding that, if such a tape does reveal he made an overt political endorsement, then such a tape "would have been doctored" or the endorsement was "completely unintentional."

"This never has been about politics," he said. "It's always been about whether the Bible applies to the entire life of a Christian." He explained that some Southern Baptists have held for decades the belief that religion and politics should never mix. But for Chandler, Christians entering a voting booth have a much weightier spiritual responsibility than they do a political one.

"Sometimes it's like choosing the lesser of two evils," he said. "But in that case, I see all evil and I don't vote for either candidate." Chandler said he has counseled members to write in some other candidate's name they could feel right about when faced with the proverbial lesser of two evils choice.

As Baptist Press tried to clarify whether the nine people were in fact voted out of the church, Chandler said they initially left voluntarily. Since some of those who willingly forfeited their memberships were trustees of the church, other members thought it prudent to make their actions official. LINK

Typical Republican talking points:

I don't recall.

People either misunderstood me, or they conspired against me.

The Democrats started it.

Oh, and...

All Democrats are eeeeevilllll bastards with the skills necessary to doctor videotapes of Republicans to make them look bad.

Keep on talkin', Chan!

If hating you is wrong, I don't wanna be right!


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