Saturday, September 10, 2005


The New York Times published (cough) Elizabeth Bumiller's (cough) really honest sounding article in defense of George W. Notmyfault this morning.

Get this:

The president, long reluctant to fire subordinates, came to a belated recognition that his administration was in trouble for the way it had dealt with the disaster, many of his supporters say. One moment of realization occurred on Thursday of last week when an aide carried a news agency report from New Orleans into the Oval Office for him to see.

The report was about the evacuees at the convention center, some dying and some already dead. Mr. Bush had been briefed that morning by his homeland security secretary, Michael Chertoff, who was getting much of his information from Mr. Brown and was not aware of what was occurring there.


I guess we're supposed to ignore the fact that George W. Vacation Boy surveyed the damage from Air Force One on Wednesday. And ignore the fact that the White House phone logs will show dozens of calls from NO Mayor Nagin, LA Senator Landrieu, and LA Governor Blanco between Sunday and Wednesday. That would be "playing the blame game, " wouldn't it?

Honestly, Bumiller!

All you had to do was turn on CNN to see George W.'s reaction to Hurricane Katrina before he was informed that the people were rising up against him.

You're some piece of work, Bumiller!

File this under:


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