Friday, September 09, 2005

This Week's
Backside Of The Bell Curve


"What about the Middle Class Katrina victims? Huh?"

Here's what Michael Novak wrote about Hurricane Katrina victims...

It is not only those who did not evacuate in time that seem to have suffered horribly. I would love to see more reporting about the middle class — and sympathy for them, too. They are Katrina's victims, too.

Is it possible that many of them will not receive the insurance payments they are counting on, in order to get their lives started up again at a level not too far below where they were before the storm hit? Have they taken a permanent hit? How will many cope with that?

The poor may suffer worst of all, but they are not the only ones to taste bitter ashes in times of calamity, and to find their souls tested. Those of the middle class who worked hard (maybe even worked their way out of poverty), played by the rules, and set aside some resources for times of trouble, also deserve our help. Especially just at that exact moment when everything they made so many sacrifices to attain has been taken from them.

It was just then that Job was tried. So might we all be.

Yeah, Michael. Let's worry about the middle classers who had the means to escape the hurricane unharmed.

They're still alive, they weren't rounded up, separated from their families, or shipped off to parts unknown... like slaves.

Let's not dwell on the bodies of the poor, still floating in the water, Michael.

What about the wealthy classers, who've turned the NO city parks into their own private heliports? Shouldn't we worry about them, too, Michael? After all, isn't it just terrible that they have to hire private security guards to check on their houses... or, GAWD forbid, have to do it themselves?

It's one thing, Michael, to search for a new story angle.

It's quite another to ignore those poor souls completely abandoned by BushCo in this their time of need and focus on those with insurance policies and the means to get as far away from danger as possible.

Jesus wept when he looked into your soul, Michael.

Heaviest of possible sighs.

File this under:


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