Monday, March 13, 2006

Note To Bush: You Are No Jimmy Carter.

Here's the Time Magazine headline:

The Mission: Find a Way to Stay Relevant
Bush's troubleshooting plan is to explain Iraq better and stick with his same team

And here's the accompanying photo:

Keep up the pretense, George W.! The photo ops are destroying your approval rating, Mr. President. (36% as of this writing.)

Keep it up. Keep flaunting your disregard for your own citizens by showing up, hammering a couple of nails, and posing for the cameras before flying off to another fundraiser. And, by all means, keep flogging that dead horse "Iraq War Strategy" through another series of senseless speeches to hand-picked audiences.

How many homes have you built from scratch, Mr. President? How many places can you go without 5000 security guards? How many people really love you?

You are no Jimmy Carter, who teaches Sunday school every week. Who travels the world in the name of peace. Who is beloved by all but the most vicious, greedy, and evil among us (aka your base).

Former President Jimmy Carter
builds a home in Africa.

Keep it up, George W! The comparison is priceless.

So you think you know Delilah?
Judges 16:19--


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Jimmy Carter helps people, he isn't faking it.

5:16 PM  

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