Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Kiss My "Visceral" Ass, MSNoBamaC!

MSNBC's Chris Matthews says my reaction to Obama is "visceral."


What happened to cold and calculating? Treacherous and evil?

Oh, yeah. Clinton won WV last night with 71% of the female vote.

Of course, that makes (according to Matthews) women the new Obama "Clinging to" demographic. You know, the women who've given him the benefit of the doubt for months and now find him lacking in character, experience, judgment, and electability? These women can't possibly be making intelligent decisions, can they? Naaah. Must be a visceral reaction.


visceral- characterized by or proceeding from instinct rather than intellect: a visceral reaction
characterized by or dealing with coarse or base emotions; earthy; crude

How do I know my reaction to Obama is visceral, and not based on my analysis of the candidates' plans, powers of persuasion, and/or the November electoral possibilities?

Chris Matthews says so...

The visceral part:

Matthews: If you talk to people, older women, and you talk to them. . . older women. . and they get really angry at me, of course .. How do you get those older women – I think that’s the strongest constituency for Hillary – the strained women, the woman who maybe works hard, maybe was a hard working woman, maybe her marriage wasn’t the greatest thing in the world in terms of economics, in terms of . . her life wasn’t that great and they look at Hillary as their champion that’s gonna save them and pull them out of this rut they’ve been in for 30 or 50 years or 60 years.

How do you move them, after all this visceral attitude toward Barack Obama, to him, if that has to happen. . . I talk to visceral!! These people have a visceral attitude about Barack Obama and against him. It is so deep. . . A woman said to me… a rather well turned out woman [for Hillary] said to me last night… I’m voting for McCain.. . Now I’ve heard that from women of all walks of life.

I've got a sister-in-law like that. She’s a very feminist woman. . Eileen Kennedy, [she’s for Hillary but she’s going to vote for McCain] .. . I’ll hear about this later. . . Even though it will run against every one of her principles, in terms of the Supreme Court and women’s rights and everybody’s rights.. I mean it’s so visceral. . .

My favorite part: "Their lives weren't that great for 30 or 50 years or 60 years."

Take a damned history class, Chris.

Whose reaction to whom has always been visceral, Chris?

Believe it or not, the female lifestyle depicted in that painting represents a long history of women's progress.

At least, those women didn't have to worry about being sacrificed to Priapus.

And every day that passes, life for women gets a tiny bit better and safer...

... and a little more worrisome for men like Matthews.

So, Chris... If 71% of women don't support an unaccomplished, religious wingnut-loving, anti-gay, abortion-rights-waffling waffle eater, their reaction is visceral?

Kiss my visceral ass, Matthews!

And you too, MSNoBamaC!

Best bar bet in the world: Delilah didn't do it.
Judges 16:19-- and and


Blogger Sugar said...

Yikes!!!! This is why I can't watch this mess!

"...maybe her marriage wasn’t the greatest thing in the world in terms of economics, in terms of . . her life wasn’t that great and they look at Hillary as their champion that’s gonna save them and pull them out of this rut they’ve been in for 30 or 50 years or 60 years."

What a horrible thing to say!? I used to work as a journalist and it is a sad thing that I can barely stomach it all anymore. The funny thing is, I got out of it 6 years ago this July, because the cut throat nature of it all was just too much for me to consider dealing with for the rest of my life. I'll take the good old garden variety, corporate America backstabbing over that any day.

9:32 AM  
Blogger MessyMarcy said...

The most serious and dangerous problem this country is facing is the lack of an independent, competent and courageous media. I don't watch MSNBC at all; but thank you for having the fortitude to keep us informed about the latest rantings of Chris Matthews. He's like Bush -- just when you think he can't get worse, he does.

5:29 PM  

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