Saturday, December 17, 2005

Frist Votes To Kill Patriot Act

Well, he did it.

Even if he claims that it was "purely as a parliamentary move that enables him to call for a second vote at some point in the future," and even though he "changed his vote at the last moment," Frist The Cat Killer's vote to 86 the so-called "Patriot" Act has been recorded for all to see.

On the Senate vote, two Democrats supported the GOP-led effort to advance the bill to a final vote, Tim Johnson of South Dakota and Ben Nelson of Nebraska. Sununu and GOP Sens. Larry Craig of Idaho, Chuck Hagel of Nebraska and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska voted to block the measure. Frist initially voted to advance the bill, then switched to opposition purely as a parliamentary move that enables him to call for a second vote at some point in the future.

Frist will surely try to pull one of his famous super-secret dead-of-night votes fairly soon, but for now, The "Patriot" Act is deader than Jacob Marley.

As for Tim Johnson and Ben Nelson...

I'm sure their backside of the Bell Curve constituents (with their Dubya-loving voting patterns) were major considerations.

On the torture-loving side of the aisle...

These 4 (plus Frist) thwacked George W. Stalin:

(Craig, Frist, Hagel, Murkowski, and Nelson)

The US Constitution still means something to some US senators...

For the moment.

File this under:


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