Friday, March 17, 2006

Charley Tuna Screams: "I'm misunderstood!"

When first asked to comment on the HHS advice to stockpile cans of tuna and boxes of powdered milk under the bed to protect citizens from a possible Bird Flu pandemic, Mr. Charley The Tuna scoffed, "I'm all for Tom Ridge's plan to use duct tape and plastic sheeting. If it's good enough to protect me from Anthrax, it's good enough to guard against a few bad birds!"

Mr. Tuna added, "Of course, I'm pleased to hear Mike Leavitt explain that his words were 'taken out of context;' however, I don't want to be misunderstood here. My support for hoarding tuna and powdered milk is based on sound scientific research, not just an official government Health and Human Services report."

Tuna was referring to this report and video from

In business news today, Alcoa is expecting a swift rise in profits from its can division. The same sunny profit forecast is giddily predicted by international tuna companies and the powdered milk industry.

So you think you know Delilah?
Judges 16:19--


Blogger Lew Scannon said...

I don't like canned tuna, would canned chicken meat be okay?

9:02 PM  

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