Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Kissmas In Connecticut

I have it on the best authority (I'm related to a guy in the know-- and I mean REALLY in the know) that Connecticut unions don't give a damn who the Dem senate candidate is this year. Sure, it would be more work establishing relationships with a new guy, but as long as it's a Dem, it'll be OK.

As for Kissmas in Connecticut...

The war in Iraq is not the only reason people are pissed at Joe-mentum. Here's Joe's kiss of death quote:

"I have loyalties that are greater than those to my party."

Then, there's the kiss...

Joe may pull it out tonight and not have to file those 20,000 signatures he's collected for an Independent run.

Holy Joe is not my favorite Dem. He's way too conservative for me; however, All I want for Kissmas is a CT senator with capital D after his name.

Best bar bet in the world: Delilah didn't do it.
Judges 16:19--


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