Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Windmills Of George W.'s Mind

Like a circle in a spiral.
Like a wheel within a wheel.

Usually, I don't pay much attention to George W.Potemkin's little private-audience photo ops; however, yesterday's handpicked audience included some laid-off workers who were hurriedly rehired with suddenly "found" money from the US Energy Dept.

Why, what good fortune, BushBots shout.

Hm. Nice way to avoid embarrassing the president, I reply.

As alternatives to oil, Mr. Bush promoted battery-powered cars at the stop in Wisconsin and solar power at a later stop in Michigan. He ended the day in Colorado, where some three dozen workers at the federal National Renewable Energy Laboratory were rehired after being laid off soon after Mr. Bush's State of the Union address promoting renewable energy.

A statement released Monday by the Energy Department said that Samuel W. Bodman, the energy secretary, ordered the transfer of $5 million over the weekend to immediately restore the jobs, which had been eliminated because of past budget cuts, thereby avoiding a political embarrassment for the president. Mr. Bush is to visit the laboratory, in Golden, Colo., on Tuesday morning.


Mr. Bush proposed in his State of the Union address that the United States replace 75 percent of oil imports from the Middle East with alternative sources of energy by 2025. The next day, Mr. Bodman said that the president should not be taken literally and that the Middle East goal was "merely an example" of what might be done.

When George W. starts calling for NASCAR battery-operated race cars...

When George W. calls for Exxon Mobil to change its name to Sun-Powers-Я-Us...

I might stop making fun of the windmills of George W. Potemkin's mind.

So you think you know Delilah?

Judges 16:19--


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