Judge Samuel "Knee Jerk" Alito nominated to the Supreme W. Court
So much for George W.'s weird-assed statement: "Harriet Miers is the most qualified person for the job."
Samuel Alito, known affectionately (by BushCo flying monkeys) as "Scalito," will be the second Italian Catholic from New Jersey on the Supreme Court.
So much for diversity.
Oh, by the way...
Judge Knee Jerk thinks a woman needs her husband's permission to abort a blastocyst.
A dissenting opinion in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 947 F.2d 682 (3d Cir. 1991), arguing that a Pennsylvania that required women seeking abortions to inform their husbands should have been upheld. As Judge Alito reasoned, "[t]he Pennsylvania legislature could have rationally believed that some married women are initially inclined to obtain an abortion without their husbands' knowledge because of perceived problems--such as economic constraints, future plans, or the husbands' previously expressed opposition--that may be obviated by discussion prior to the abortion." Chief Justice Rehnquist's dissent from the Supreme Court's 5-4 [corrected] decision striking down the spousal notification provision of the law quoted Judge Alito's dissent and expressed support for Judge Alito's reasoning.
That includes you and your daughters, Republican women!

Whatever you do, don't touch that dial!
Any attempt to ignore George W.'s attempt to divert attention from his administration's flying monkey felons will be seriously frowned upon.