In 2002, President George W. Bush signed a
secret (probably Double Super Secret)
presidential order, authorizing the NSA (trans. Conoleezza Rice, et al) "
to eavesdrop on Americans and others inside the United States to search for evidence of terrorist activity without the court-approved warrants ordinarily required for domestic spying."
"So what?" Joe Sixpack Republicans will ask.
"No biggie," young Americans will chime in.
"Doesn't affect you if you're innocent," BushCo cable news telebimbos will scream in split-screen glory.
"After 9/11, we have to be able to spy on people in order to protect the citizens of the USA!" White House officials and assorted Republican congressional leaders will lament.
So I'm asking all Republicans:
Are you sure you approve of
George W. Bush's domestic spying on American citizens?
You'd better be damned sure when you support Bush's
Nixonian domestic spying...
Because you're next, Suckers.
You read that right, damn it!

George W. Bush has pried open the door that Democrats slammed soundly shut on Richard Millhouse Nixon's infamous domestic spying cabal.
If, indeed, you approve of Bush's secret presidential order, and if you actually believe that 9/11 has made it necessary for your government to tap domestic phones and spy on US citizens, don't expect Democrats to dismantle such operations when they become the majority party. We wouldn't want you to think that Dems are "soft on terrorism," would we?
If you approve of BushCo spying on American citizens, you must also approve of a future Democratic administration doing the same thing... and delving into Republican Party activities that threaten to undermine a Democratic administration's ability to wage war on terrorism.
And what about local and national businesses and elected Republican officials in bed with
Chalabi (the man who lied us into war),
the Saudis, the
Carlyle Group,
China? Shouldn't they be monitored for anti-administration activities?
If, however, you recognize the fact that BushCo
suspended their domestic spying last year (
fearing discovery just ahead of the 2004 presidential election) and begged the New York Times NOT to publish this story after sitting on it for a year... and you know in your heart that the US Constitution forbids such nefarious governmental abuse and that it's just plain wrong...
You'd better speak now.Or forever hold your peace.
I mean it, damn it!
Psst! Those of you who approve of Bush's Spy On Americans policy are
This Week's
Backside Of The Bell Curve
Winners!File this under: You, too, should be mad as hell about this, damn it!