Have you seen that new "Net Neutrality" commercial? The one with the plain-spoken, salt-of-the-earth Texas twang-sounding voiceovers? Yeah, that one. The one in which Joe & Jane Sixpack urge you to call your representatives and voice your support for internet "choice."
It's a scam, people. Even The Christian Coalition
is against the US House (Republican) bill:
The Christian Coalition, in a news release, said it is concerned that large broadband providers will block content that they don't agree with. Some providers could block antiabortion Web sites, said Roberta Combs, the group's president. Without a net neutrality provision, "there is nothing to stop the cable and phone companies from not allowing consumers to have access to speech that they don't support," she said in a statement.
As for Republicans and "choice"...
Health Care: "Republicans Offer
Choice, Lower Costs, and Better Care"-- (It's a nightmare for everyone involved in choosing a plan that's inferior to the one we have now.)
Social Security: See The Cato Institute's Project On Social Security
Choice-- (It's another scam-- this one is stock market-based.)
Education: Republicans have funneled public school money into private schools in the name of "
school choice," a program which has not improved education. Just think, you're now funding inferior public schools and inferior "choice" schools.
And the beat goes on...
When a Republican uses the word "choice," you should know by now that there's a big fat whammy about to be perpetrated on you and your wallet.
"Internet Choice" is just another in a long line of Republican scams, and US taxpayers are the marks.
That Hicksville voiceover commercial doesn't mention
access tiering, does it?
To date, the debate has focused primarily on a type of discrimination known as "access tiering," in which network owners charge websites and application providers more for premium (i.e., higher speed) service. Access tiering could provide benefits similar to those provided by the emergence of premium mail services like FedEx. Instead of taking 3-4 days to send a letter from coast to coast, FedEx made it possible to send the same letter overnight. FedEx customers were more than happy to pay more for faster service, since it opened up new ways of doing business that were impossible when everyone paid the same amount for a single class of service.
You've already paid for the current high speed quality infrastructure of the internet with your tax dollars. Do you really want to pay more for the services you've already paid for? Republicans think you'll be glad to... Because they think you're stupid.
By the way, when FedEx became the delivery industry "choice," the US Postal Service stepped up and offered the same (but cheaper) service.
Oh, and..The examples of why Republicans want you to believe that you should pay more for the internet aren't even US examples;
they're Canadian.
Ask yourself: Do you want more corporate control of the internet? If so, you're probably too Republican to figure out the scam..One of those 33 percenters left who've drunk so much Kool-Aid that you'd follow a BushCo corporatist off a damned cliff if s/he used the word "choice."

Heavy sigh.
Best bar bet in the world: Delilah didn't do it.
Judges 16:19-- And she made him (Samson) sleep upon her knees; and she called for a man, and she caused him to shave off the seven locks of his head.